Friday, November 8, 2013

Top Ten Actors in the World!

Here are the list of top ten actors ever to grace the screen! But the first actor really tops all of these actors with his steady contribution to cinema. Though he's being vilified by a racist press and attacked by a racist system who's trying to shake him down for his money so some whites who FAILED in their own life's endevours can by illegally rewarded (may the curse of God be upon them too) and his show taken from the air in their racist illegal and unlawful attempt to try an get others to go along with their lynching of an innocent man he's still the TOPS of ALL OF THEM:


1) Denzel Washington- the box office bohema dwarfs all others in his path.

2) Brad Pitt- Second only to Denzel, Bradd is the man who delivers every time.

3)Samuel L. Jackson- He's made more money for films than any other actor on the planet earth!

4) Morgan Freeman- Considered amongst other actors (except ben afleck) to be the finest actor out there.

5)Chow Yun Fat- Soooooo charismatic, he doesn't have to say a word to deliver a great performance!

6)John Leguizamo- Often underrated, when he gets a script he can sink his teeth into (Too Wong Foo! Thanks, Julie Newmar!) he shines brighter than any other star in the sky!

7) Wesley Snipes- single-handedly he created a market for comic books adapted to movies with the minor Marvel comics character Blade, when it comes to kickin' ass there's no one better!

8)Sidney Poitier- no one in cinema depicted a people so proudly as Sidney Poitier with his calm dignified poise. He would not take a role that reflected badly on the African American community; something many actors of today should think about.

8) Will Smith- He started off slow, but the man learned his craft incredibly well.

9) Bradley Cooper- Someone who's below the radar a bit but the world will wake up and seeone day that he's one of the finest actors ever to grace the screen. His name will get me to watching a movie alone.

10) Jackie Chan- Yesss Jackie Chan! The clown prince of kung fu is truly a great actor! He went 11 years to school to study Chinese Opera and though he wasn't a stand-out student, after Bruce Lee he's the box office champ of Asian actors!

Here is your list of the ten greatest actors of all time! Read'em and weep!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1Direction? Can anyone say West End?

Simon Cowell seemingly has scored again with his production of a one dimensional pop act in 1direction the new 'teen' sensation from Britain. As you can see I'm not really impressed for 1Direction is in no way original in fact being a knock off of his knock off of his original pop success West End. They don't even sing much differently except they spare us the monotony of a litany of insipid ballads that made West End so popular years ago. With this huge publicity machine behind them and millions of dollars being spent to curry this idiotic notion of them just being 'regular guys' from the hood or whatever they call it in England kind of turns your stomach as they play this stupidity over again. They're movie supposedly showing them to be regular guys with all of these staged comedic moments makes you wanna scream 'Dammit Duran Duran already did this! Show something else fake but at least different!' I mean it is just sad how they're re-hashing all the old cliche's of the anti-pop popstar crap that was so prevalent in the 80's. Give me a f'ing break! These youngsters are very happy to be so successful and they're not regular guys! It has been proven time and time again that everyone with singing talent can't be a pop star! Often the most successful pop stars have been the least talented musically amongst their peers. But there's something about them that makes people want to spend their hard-earned money on records, t-shirts, and concert tickets. Something special that makes people want to hang their posters on the wall and dream about meeting them. No they don't have the cure for cancer but they fill a void inside that makes you forget about cancer. I'm not denying that these fellas' have something that attracts the public's attention and it's special. If they were 'ordinary guys' they wouldn't be selling out arenas! So kill that bullshit! But I am kind of disappointed that Simon Cowell is just repeating himself and not braving new ground in entertainment. And why is it he specializes in getting all-white boy bands? I mean, he can do as he pleases and it obviously puts money in his pocket (the old bottom line) but the U.K. has so many diverse groups living there, why not open up more the possibilities. Besides, he got his start managing the career of a Afro-Brit singer who he freely admits he was trying to get a date with. So trying something different!!! Say a white, an asian, African, and an Indian in a singing group together? That would be interesting. Needless to say 1Direction is not my cup of tea and I'll never buy their records or attend their concerts. And no it's nothing personal against these lads for I'll never deny that they don't have talent. But they're more of the same rather than something new, amazing, unique, and interesting. To me they're just West End jr., nothing to jump up and get excited about.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

George Zimmerman is no Hero; He's A MURDERER!

So George Zimmerman allegedly helped some people in a turned over vehicle eh? Can you say STAGED! This whole bullshit was staged and perpetrated by the 'friends of the child-killer george zimmerman' ABC news and your local kkk chapter to whitewash his image! I wonder if he helped turn the vehicle over to affect this mockery of heroism even as the state of florida staged this trial as a mockery of JUSTICE! How convenient that he happened to be around and the news media is so anxious to jump on this malarky that it's absolutely sickening! And I see on ABC news site they're seriously moderating any comment that is negative of this child-killer! Well as for ABC they know that I will not be watching anything on any of their stations and I urge all other African-Americans and any other who believe in justice (you can forget the klan state of florida) to boycott ABC in any shape or form for it's obvious that they are willing to throw their full support behind any and everybody who wants to murder black kids! So don't watch anything on ABC for they need to learn that they will not have the support of our community when they choose to support those who murder our children! And this is in stark contrast to how OJ Simpson has been treated in the press. He WAS innoccent yet news groups like ABC insisted he got away with murder! They harassed and harangued him until the state of nevada railroaded him into a lengthy sentence in jail too with no hope except for the good Lord of release! But you know that's why things are changing and soon these people who use their power to oppress African Americans will no longer be in power. God will judge you florida and the very people whom you seek to oppress my Lord will make them your masters soon! And then how will it be when your in no position to manipulate, pervert, and mock justice! george zimmerman, I hope you don't plan on living a long life! In fact do the world a favor and do the deed yourself, for you are a worthless pitiful piece of shit! You deserve to die and so do us all a favor and that same gun you used to end an innocent kid's life, put it to your head and pull the trigger! You know how by now since you had plenty of practice on Trayvon Martin!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

CNN So Anxious to Malign Anyone Black; Especially Michael Jackson

It's a shame how prejudiced the major news agencies really are. Here Michael Jackson is dead and still they try an label this poor man as a pedophile jumping on any accusation that pops up to try an further asassainate the character of this innocent man. I'm talking about the ridiculous accusation leveled against Michael about Wade Robson. Now CNN knows that this kid is lying and trying to keep his name in the spotlight now that Michael is no longer around to help him secure plum gigs, but they don't care as long as they get to say something not just negative but defamatory about someone black. Robert Blake was found innoccent in a court of law for the murder of his wife and there was more PROOF that he probably did it! Ben Roethlesberger and David Copperfield the magician were both accused of raping women yet they don't continue to mention these charges against these men every time their names come up! Michael Jackson was found INNOCCENT in a court of law yet every time they do any story on him they bring up those charges! They don't bring up the fact that Tom Sneddon the former district attorney who tried the case against Michael was caught fabricating evidence against the King of Pop! His name hasn't come up since but they take every opportunity they can to malign the king of pop and any other black person who's done well for themselves! I can't wait for the day when CNN goes on trial for defamation and pays the price for their erstwhile racist agenda for it is tiring to see their racism so openly and blatantly displayed!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Luke Cage: Power Man movie! Where the hell is it?

Now it's been over ten years and it's finally gotten on my nerve. For over ten years rumors have flown, meetings were had, and actors have thrown in their hats for the role but still NO LUKE CAGE MOVIE! Why all this delay for a blockbuster waiting to happen? Don't they know that a Luke Cage movie is money in the bank? Had Marvel went ahead and put a Luke Cage movie together it would have saved them from the financial distress that prompted them to sell the whole she-bang to Disney. With cinema tickets and dvd sales they would have made a fortune that would have saved the house of Marvel just like what happened when Wesley Snipes put together the Blade franchise for them! We've been waiting for years for a Luke Cage movie and hopefully Disney is smart enough to see that green is the only color they need to see in a hero! And Power Man is green all over if somebody, some brave soul would step forward to make it happen! But one caution; DON'T PUT IRON FIST IN IT! YET! Do at least two or three Power Man flicks first, then bring in his puny pal with the kung fu chops! They will see their money quadruple overnight for the Heroes for Hire franchise is one that could go on for years for though Luke Cage may seem a minor character, really he's a gold mine you don't even have to dig for! And the beauty is compared to the extraordinary budgets of other Marvel films, Luke Cage can be made for a song! It won't cost much, but it will make whomever is willing to take the plunge millionaires a hundred times over OVERNIGHT! Don't believe me, try it and see! You can make Luke Cage with a no-name and still make your money at least 20 times over! The people are waiting so come on Disney or whomever owns the rights! Make Luke Cage happen!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Scooby Doo: Bring Back the Old Gang!

 You know it's a damn shame when major companies get so big they feel they don't have to negotiate anything with anyone! In the case of Scooby Doo the long erstwhile cartoon hero. Well Freddie Prinze, Matthew Lillard, Linda Cardellini, and Sara Michelle Gellard(Freddie Prinze's wife) starred in the first live-action film that brought the Mystery Inc. gang to life. It was a monster hit that spawned a sequel in Scooby Doo-Monsters Unleashed. This was tremendously successful too. There was plans to release #3 but Warner Brothers thought they could get Freddie Prinze to come down on his asking price since he was having financial troubles. Now the studios call this 'good business' but what it is is low-down and dirty! Trying to take advantage of Freddie simply because  they were too selfish and greedy to share any of the profits from this successful franchise. Eversince they bought Hanna Barbera back in the 90's I guess they feel they don't have to negotiate one inch of Scooby Doo since they own the rights lock stock and barrel. Freddie a showbiz veteran knew what time this was; if he let WB do this to him, every studio would be doing it, so he didn't budge either. As a consequence they decided to get rid of the whole crew and start over with a 'new gang' for it would be cheaper. Naturally though nobody else with a name would do it after they heard what the studio tried to do to Freddie and so they cast a bunch of no-names and put it on television. Now I admit that I enjoyed these movies, but I wouldn't have paid $10 to go see them at the theater. It's definitely direct to dvd fodder for this cast though made up of good competant actors and actresses, they simply didn't have the chemistry of Freddie Prinze, Matthew Lillard, Linda Cardellinie, and Sara Michelle Gellar. I didn't think it would work at first, but I have to admit they pulled it off better than I ever could have imagined. Now I want them back! So lets all demand that WB put out a third movie with the old gang for the fans demand it! One more time WB lets do it! Pay Freddie the paltry $10million he asked for along with the rest of the cast! You've made probably a billion or more off of the Scooby Doo franchise so you can part with a few bucks for another great summer blockbuster! So quit screwin' around WB and lets do this!


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