So George Zimmerman allegedly helped some people in a turned over vehicle eh? Can you say STAGED! This whole bullshit was staged and perpetrated by the 'friends of the child-killer george zimmerman' ABC news and your local kkk chapter to whitewash his image! I wonder if he helped turn the vehicle over to affect this mockery of heroism even as the state of florida staged this trial as a mockery of JUSTICE! How convenient that he happened to be around and the news media is so anxious to jump on this malarky that it's absolutely sickening! And I see on ABC news site they're seriously moderating any comment that is negative of this child-killer! Well as for ABC they know that I will not be watching anything on any of their stations and I urge all other African-Americans and any other who believe in justice (you can forget the klan state of florida) to boycott ABC in any shape or form for it's obvious that they are willing to throw their full support behind any and everybody who wants to murder black kids! So don't watch anything on ABC for they need to learn that they will not have the support of our community when they choose to support those who murder our children! And this is in stark contrast to how OJ Simpson has been treated in the press. He WAS innoccent yet news groups like ABC insisted he got away with murder! They harassed and harangued him until the state of nevada railroaded him into a lengthy sentence in jail too with no hope except for the good Lord of release! But you know that's why things are changing and soon these people who use their power to oppress African Americans will no longer be in power. God will judge you florida and the very people whom you seek to oppress my Lord will make them your masters soon! And then how will it be when your in no position to manipulate, pervert, and mock justice! george zimmerman, I hope you don't plan on living a long life! In fact do the world a favor and do the deed yourself, for you are a worthless pitiful piece of shit! You deserve to die and so do us all a favor and that same gun you used to end an innocent kid's life, put it to your head and pull the trigger! You know how by now since you had plenty of practice on Trayvon Martin!