Simon Cowell seemingly has scored again with his production of a one dimensional pop act in 1direction the new 'teen' sensation from Britain. As you can see I'm not really impressed for 1Direction is in no way original in fact being a knock off of his knock off of his original pop success West End. They don't even sing much differently except they spare us the monotony of a litany of insipid ballads that made West End so popular years ago. With this huge publicity machine behind them and millions of dollars being spent to curry this idiotic notion of them just being 'regular guys' from the hood or whatever they call it in England kind of turns your stomach as they play this stupidity over again. They're movie supposedly showing them to be regular guys with all of these staged comedic moments makes you wanna scream 'Dammit Duran Duran already did this! Show something else fake but at least different!' I mean it is just sad how they're re-hashing all the old cliche's of the anti-pop popstar crap that was so prevalent in the 80's. Give me a f'ing break! These youngsters are very happy to be so successful and they're not regular guys! It has been proven time and time again that everyone with singing talent can't be a pop star! Often the most successful pop stars have been the least talented musically amongst their peers. But there's something about them that makes people want to spend their hard-earned money on records, t-shirts, and concert tickets. Something special that makes people want to hang their posters on the wall and dream about meeting them. No they don't have the cure for cancer but they fill a void inside that makes you forget about cancer. I'm not denying that these fellas' have something that attracts the public's attention and it's special. If they were 'ordinary guys' they wouldn't be selling out arenas! So kill that bullshit! But I am kind of disappointed that Simon Cowell is just repeating himself and not braving new ground in entertainment. And why is it he specializes in getting all-white boy bands? I mean, he can do as he pleases and it obviously puts money in his pocket (the old bottom line) but the U.K. has so many diverse groups living there, why not open up more the possibilities. Besides, he got his start managing the career of a Afro-Brit singer who he freely admits he was trying to get a date with. So trying something different!!! Say a white, an asian, African, and an Indian in a singing group together? That would be interesting. Needless to say 1Direction is not my cup of tea and I'll never buy their records or attend their concerts. And no it's nothing personal against these lads for I'll never deny that they don't have talent. But they're more of the same rather than something new, amazing, unique, and interesting. To me they're just West End jr., nothing to jump up and get excited about.