Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Oprah's Former step-mother Refused offer for another house; Why?

You know I'm not a fan of Oprah Winfrey's at all. She and her black suffragette bullshit gets on my nerves to no end and I feel the wrong person has all that money and influence. I have to admit if I was to ever get into influence (or more like when)I'd take a very close look at some of the things lil ms Oprah Winfrey does. But I have to admit that in the case of her and her ex-stepmother I'm inclined to take her side.

Now the former Barbera Winfrey in her divorce petition against Oprah's dad basically citing infidelity, refused Oprah's settlement offers because she wanted alimony, something she wouldn't get because Vernon Winfrey's business had finally petered out. She  tried to get $5 million out of Oprah, but Oprah refused outright. Oprah offered to buy her a house with some cash, but she didn't want to sign a non-disclosure agreement. She thinks that she's gonna get a great offer to 'spill the beans' on Oprah, and so is holding out for a big payday.  This is what's making me angry about her. Lady, you blew your chance to get anything being greedy! We already know that Oprah was a prostitute and a criminal with the drug ring she organized in mississippi before she was sent to live with her dad. We know her mother was a whore and ain't really sure who Oprah's dad is. Vernon took the girl under his roof so dna or no dna SHE'S HIS KID! He finished raising her and put her through college! A lot of parents and  their kids don't have the best of relationships; SO WHAT!!! This ain't leave it to beaver or father knows best! This is the real fuckin' world where people have all kinds of fuckin' warts! I don't have a relationship with my father just like thousands of others out there! Some people hadn't even met their fathers! So WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN TELL?!!? That Oprah and Gayle King are in a lesbian relationship?!!? HELL, WE ALREADY THINK THAT!!!! So what have you got? So what'cha' got? If Oprah murdered somebody and you know where she buried the body then you're an accessory after the fact! Or her dad or her uncle or whatever! You'll do some time too bitch!
You see, I ain't no fan of Oprah's but this attempted shakedown is criminal and I don't care for it! She would have gotten you a house and a few bucks in your pocket! But you wanted to hold out coz' you think somebody is going to pay you big bucks  to dish the dirt on her! Sorry honey; the dirt has been dished and dished and dished and dished! You just played a losing hand and cheated yourself out of a fair settlement being greedy! So, how many offers have come forward for you? Don't tell me; a big fat 0, right? You played yourself baby. Then you say you didn't want a divorce! Really?!!? Then why did you file? Coz' your husband filed? Well the judge turned down his petition trying to help you dish some dirt on Oprah. But it failed coz' your dumass came right behind him and filed that, oh my goodness, that Vernon Winfrey actually cheated on you! Oooooo, big surprise there. How could he? You're so good and virtuous and faultless in every way, how could he go and file those papers to try an separate himself from you?!!? You ain't did nothing, did you? I'm pretty sure that's what you're saying! No, you thought this was your chance to get rid of an old man you didn't want anyway coz' your reason for marrying him was because he was Oprah Winfrey's father. You thought you'd be on easy street from now on and get to go to hollywood and meet the stars and attend all of those big bashes. Had you kept your kool that might have finally happened. But you blew your stack and moved when you should have held and waited. Coz' you didn't want to be with Vernon anyway! You were trying to cash in on the hollywood lifestyle! You're a fake and that's why I don't really feel to sorry for you! But I'm not gonna crash on you too bad. You thought you saw a golden opportunity and you went for it! You blew it though. Lemme give you some advice honey; I was in a relationship with someone. They did all kinds of things but I kept my kool and my mouth shut. When it ended, they were generous to me. But I refused to talk about it to anyone period! That's how you get on in a relationship to someone like Vernon Winfrey; let them do their thang and you keep your mouth shut! They're holding all the cards so you really ain't got a play you can make anyway. It's like Jackie Chan; when he had a baby girl outside his marriage he got his lawyers together and prepared for an intense divorce battle. But it didn't happen. When he talked to his wife, with this on all the news channels in Taiwan and Hong kong, all she said was 'when you coming home honey?' She said nothing about it and refused to answer any questions about it. She's a famous actress in China too, and when they interviewed her one of the conditions of every interview was that she didn't want to be asked about that PERIOD!! She did the right thing for her son by Jackie was grown and she couldn't expect to win a court battle for palimony or alimony! She's a very successful actress herself but Jackie is incredibly rich and to divorce him she stood to lose quite a bit. So she figured correctly her  best option was to keep quiet and say NOTHING about it!!! That's the problem with black women, they think they wield some sort of authority because of that little thing between their legs! It's easy to get somebody to open their legs; that's why you go for the mind not the legs! They beg me to come back to this day, but I explained to them they need to be free and I would hold them back. You ain't gonna' have another shot honey, unless you manage to get Vernon back; and lil miss Oprah ain't gonna' let that happen! Wouldn't do you any good anyway; you're too impatient and arrogant. And think ain't nobody got a brain in their head but you. You'll be alright anyway; you got your retirement pension so you'll land on your feet sooner or later. Why not get that lazy'assed daughter of yours to working instead of sponging off of you all the time; maybe you'll recover sooner!


You know I've been reading that Barbara Winfrey, been running around claiming that she didn't want to divorce her husband. Of course now you don't for you didn't get anything. If you didnt want a divorce, why did you file and bring up Vernon's indiscretion in your petition? Then why did you offer to grant the divorce for $5million dollars? When you couldn't get anything for you couldn't even demand that the house you lived in be sold coz' in order to protect her father Oprah kept it in her name. So when you saw you weren't coming out of this marriage enriched at Oprah's and Vernon's expense, you changed your mind. You didn't want a divorce anymore, but Oprah moved ahead for though you could fool her father you didn't fool her; nor me for that matter. I don't believe for one second that you honestly wanted to stay in that marriage for you hadn't gotten out of it what you wanted.  You thought being the wife of Oprah Winfrey's dad would afford you a higher standard of living and more prestige than it did. You probably thought you'd get to hobknob with celebrities all the time and run up on opportunities to enrich yourself. Well Vernon was no fool and neither was Oprah, so honey you played yourself.  You played yourself out of the game and to be frank about it good riddance. Were I in Oprah's shoes I would have done the same thing to protect my father and felt not an ounce of guilt for you are full of shit honey!

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