Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Travel Channel; Andrew Zimmerman's shows need to be replaced! They are disturbing!

Now I have to admit I liked Andrew Zimmerman's show at first but I'm getting sick of his ill and crude manners and I believe that some of his ways that are a bad influence on the young and the disturbed. First off the way he constantly puts his fingers in food trying to show people things. NOw others with cooking shows explain the food nicely without doing that rude and nasty shit. Then he's always talking about eating the kidneys and cheeks and tongue and shit. Now human beings have tongues and cheeks and kidneys. What if a disturbed person is looking and listening to him call these human body parts food and can't make the distinction between animals set aside for food and human beings?!!? Huh? Hunh? See what I'm saying? Then he continually revels in eating  blood! God forbids the consumption of blood period for obvious reasons!!!  Now as a european of the judaism religion it is strictly forbidden for him to engage in the consumption of blood for any reason, yet he continually explains that he's of the jewish religion, yet he revels in eating  blood as if he's thumbing his nose at God and his supposed religious preference! Now why are not his fellow judaism converts brought him before them to discuss this?!!? So which are you, a faithful judaism convert or a savage gentile with un-Godly ways and appetites?!!? So much for God and religion. Then he's continually reveling in  the pleasures of eating food raw and even consuming some animals while they are still live! Okay, he's being a very bad example for the young and some disturbed people may get the wrong message from him and not make the distinction between animals and humans! And more importantly we know the good Lord isn't pleased with this and will only tolerate so much!  Don't say it'll never happen, stranger things than this have happened many times over! So this man and his show needs to be brought to an abrupt end coz' if anybody winds up dinner Jeffery Dahmer style and  the murderer cites they got the idea from watching one of his shows, we're gonna' make sure we file lawsuits against the travel channel that will drive it into a permanent  bankruptcy! Coz' this has been bothering us and many others for some time and we are finally fed up with it! Here's part of our story:

Seven Reasons Why I Hate Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern
Village Voice ^ | Apr. 15 2009 | Sarah DiGregorio

Posted on 4/16/2009, 6:33:37 AM by nickcarraway
Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern airs on the Travel Channel. I hate it. Here's why.
1. Zimmern chews with his mouth open.
2. Zimmern insists on dressing in brightly hued shorts and polo shirts, clothes that scream "stereotypical American tourist!" so loudly that not even real, live, stereotypical American tourists would wear them.
3. Zimmern condescendingly explains the food to the very people who just made it for him: "You know this is sweet, and...it's chewy. It's got an undertone of citrus."
4. Zimmern mugs shamelessly at the camera, usually while some sainted grandma is cooking her specialty just for him, as if we're all in on this big joke. The joke being: Wow, these strange people eat really disgusting things, don't they?! Can you believe they eat this stuff? I could really go for a cheeseburger right now. You know, normal food!
5. On a recent episode in Japan, Zimmern visits a funazushi (fermented raw fish) maker, a guy whose family has been making funazushi for 18 generations. As this fellow is proudly showing Zimmern around the centuries-old operation, he opens a barrel filled with fermented fish. Zimmern makes a disgusted face, and says something about how revolting it is. His Japanese host looks embarrassed.
6. Zimmern often visits poor countries, where people don't always have enough to eat. He visits people in their homes, eats their hard-won, homemade food, and explains to them that their food is bizarre, all the while making faces to indicate just how grossed out he is. It really makes you appreciate Anthony Bourdain, who, in similar situations, is unfailingly polite.
7. Didn't your mother ever teach you that it's rude to say that someone's food is disgusting or weird?

TOPICS: Food; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: food; zimmern
1 posted on 4/16/2009, 6:33:37 AM by nickcarraway

To: nickcarraway
It requires a lot of ‘testosterone’ to watch that show.
2 posted on 4/16/2009, 6:35:16 AM by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi ... Godspeed.)

To: nickcarraway
One of my favorite shows. Zimmern is honest and one h$ll of a lot braver than I am when it comes to strange food!
3 posted on 4/16/2009, 6:36:00 AM by SonOfDarkSkies

To: SonOfDarkSkies
I live in an Italian neighborhood. Tripe is “normal” food.
4 posted on 4/16/2009, 6:39:27 AM by massgopguy (I owe everything to George Bailey)

To: nickcarraway
It really makes you appreciate Anthony Bourdain, who, in similar situations, is unfailingly polite.So it's OK to make snarky comments in post production out of earshot of the people he's dissing instead of making those comments to the peoples face.
5 posted on 4/16/2009, 6:41:23 AM by Joiseydude (Kate Smith - God Bless America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCavKL2zdjM GREAT visual interpretatio)

To: nickcarraway
Zimmern sole criteria for delicious food seems to be the degree to which it repels the average American diner.Plus, for some reason I cannot stand the sight of him savoring, with that 'if only you could taste this' look on his face, bull testicles or whatever.
6 posted on 4/16/2009, 6:41:23 AM by skeeter

To: nickcarraway
I like Zimmerman better than Bourdain. I always feel like Bourdain is looking for a $2 Malaysian hooker when the camera is off.
7 posted on 4/16/2009, 6:41:59 AM by cripplecreek (The poor bastards have us surrounded.)

To: nickcarraway
But don’t you just love the “nutty” flavor of those roasted bugs?

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