Monday, November 6, 2017

Boy George; the Accidental Pop Star

I remember I was about 15 when Kissing to Be Clever came out. It was the first LP, (yes they were still doing wax back then) to come out. I didn't have much money or ways to get money, but somehow I managed to scrape together the money to buy that lp. Why? Because I was in love. On the cover was the picture of one of the most attractive creatures I ever saw in my life. Boy George! I loved him from the start, for he was doing things openly that I didn't. I had a back rooms. I won't go into detail, but I had a private private life. Being in a single parent home, I didn't want to upset my mothers or make my peers (cruddy black trash motherfuckers) aware of my bisexual tendencies. Still don't not because I'm ashamed, coz' it's nobodies damn business! I listened to that record everyday and studied the sleeve with the lyrics on it! I collected everything with Boy George on it to my chagrin, for when my parent found out there was hell to pay! But I kept on in secret. I had a lot of secrets back then, and no no murders or dead bodies buried! No, not those kinds of secrets, and I have to make that plain for after a horrific time dealing with the 'injustice system' in the u.s. navy, I'm careful of what I say and who I say it to. But I learn ed every song on that lp, learned all the members, jon, mikey, roy and lived everyday in anticipation to hear anything about Boy George. I would dream that he and I were lovers and tried several times without ANY SUCCESS AT ALL to start a  band similar to his. No, it's not that I couldn't sing or play music (I play piano); it just wasn't meant to be. Often times people take similar paths that lead them to different destinations; his led him to the Top of the Pops; mine led me to a damp cell in the naval brig for a crime that never happened. Those racist dogs in the navy knew this, but didn't care because I was Black. But another time.  And to think I was in Memphis TN at the time, a place where many Blacks got their start in the music business. Maurice White of Earth Wind and Fire was from Memphis, Al Green, Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, and many more, but I got absolutely no support from anyone. I was also in love with someone, but it was a unrequited love and no I shall not mention their name for they are very much alive and I don't want to embarrass them. Yes, they would be embarrassed for they are not gay nor bi and even after all this time I still love them and respect their privacy.My kind still isn't understood here in America, and maybe there is nothing to understand. But I do not force my views on others for being a Christian, I know the Man Upstairs doesn't like us much, so have to be careful. He Is the Almighty afterall! We did spend some time together though when we were younger, not sexually, but as dear friends.I treasure that time.Wish it could have been more, but it was what it was. Eitherway sometimes I would sleep with his album co ver close to me (yeah I had it bad) and was so delieghted when Culture Club did a show in Memphis. Little did I know it would be the last for they treated him badly! They went to the show and screamed faggot so much that they could hardly finish their set! Now that's just sick; these racist homophobic  wackos spent their hard-earned money just so they could go to the show and harass him! This was the mid 80's though in the mid-south. I was still getting called nigger there everyday, so an open homosexual man didn't have a chance there. That's why I stayed in the closet after seeing that. I mean, these redneck sob's made such a dreadful scene, I could only guess what would happen to me and I was Black and lived there! When he finished his last song I'll Tumble 4 Ya, he left the stage quickly! Didn't blame him. They were hurling insults and throwing food and bottles and shit, he just left  and never came back!
Either way, their second lp Colour By Numbers, I was in the navy when I finally bought it on cassette! Yes, I wore it out. One I loved his song Victims! How ironic that would soon become my theme song as I found myself thrown into the navy brig for a crime THEY KNEW I did not commit! But that story for another day.
But I call my precious Boy George an accidental pop star.because he was just trying to find himself as a Gay man in England, itself not one of the most gay or bi friendly places at the time. From watching the BBC movie Worried About the Boy, he was just looking for love. Gay love. In the process of looking for love he fell into the music biz, coz' the guys he was dating were trying to  be pop stars more than he was. Just so happened he met Jon Moss, the drummer, who recognized his talent, and became his Ike Yes that's a good comparison, coz' Ike wasn't as bad as Tina claimed! But Jon recognized George's talent, for George was just doing something coz' his parents were on him to get some kind of career going in something. Music was just as good as anything else, but without Jon Moss, it may have never happened Jon had the knowledge, the experience, the insider contacts, and wisdom as far as handling the money to make sure they didn't get cheated. Mikey Craig, provided the opportunity and musical skill. Roy Hay, important being a great guitarist and pianist, came after wards. Jon found him. Damn, wish I had a Jon Maybe I would be a star today George just naturally knew how to sing, didn't know it, and write inspiring songs! When I first heard, Do You Really Want To Hurt Me, I felt that was a song directly for me. I was constantly being abused by my peers for they had figured out I was different, and it wasn't good to be DIFFERENT in the African American community down south at that time. But I would sit under the tv waiting for that video to come on and watched it over and over and over again, you know back when Mtv actually played music. That song spoke to the deep recesses of my soul and I sing it even now when I'm kinda' down and feeling unloved (which is often these days) Well a lot changed in these last 30 years; I finally got out of jail, Culture Club broke up got back together broke up and got back together again,and Boy George went on to success n other areas, really being the only true star from the group. I often notice how similar our paths could have been except in his country they were trying to help him, but here in America these racist homophobic sickos were steadfastly trying to destroy me. I'm glad he made it out alive and thrived, and I just thank God I made it out alive! I had hoped to meet him one day, but he's moved on from the cute effeminate Boy, I was in love with and like all of us older fellas' probably doesn't want to go back down memory lane. I respect that and wish him well from here in on out.

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