Saturday, November 18, 2017

Lord Kraven, the singer jnnifer hudson dissed at the People's choice awards, seems to have fallen off the radar.

It would seem that Lord Kraven, the singer that jennifer 'the diva from hell' hudson had ejected from the People's Choice Awards has disappeared. I was trying to find some info on him to see what he has been up to lately and there's no information it seems to be found. His facebook page has disappeared and his website has been taken down. According to him a few years ago he was doing 1uite well. I guess not for I was looking for his cd release and he seems to have disappeared from the web. Now what the hell happened. I was looking forward to his career really blossoming but he seems to have disappeared. I think that scene at the People's Choice awards just really did him in. You know how cruel people are online and so I can only guess he got a lot of laughter and negative feedback from the inc incident. You see I don't like this crap coz' were he white the attention wold have led to other doors opening up for him. He may have finally sxcored a rexord deal and some high profile gigs. But because he was black, and jennifer's stupidity didn't help, the poor boy looks like he got bounced out. Coz something should have come up about him, but I'm not finding shit Now it's a shame coz' his music was ac tually pretty good and he was an ok singer. He had an original type image that I liked and who knows what else he may have had to offer. Now when he ws so-called speaking for Jennifer during her time of crisis,it was evident he was simply trying to get some attention for himself, but he didn't say anything negative or wrong about the situation. But it sent hudson into full blown diva from he3ll mode qn wshe just went plumb loco on her former friend.. Part of it I'm sure was that she was still upset about the tragedy but she just went completely off. Evidently Lord Kraven was depending more on her than was known to help him with his career. This is why dependence on people like jennifer hudson is dangerous coz' it doesn't take much to lose their support IF SHE EVER TRULY INTENDED TO GIVE IT. I don''t think she did, but that's besides the point. Now if he's still performing somewhere, I've been unable to find out where. At least there's no info on him for the past couple of years and so it looks like his career has tanked. Well here's a bit of a tribute to  a promising talent who never really got the chance he deserved.

Well I offered my services to  Kraven and he didn't even respond. I can see that he's a pretentious fool. He doesn't wnt to do the work of setting up a solid fan base or something. He wants to walk into a ready made situation so he can start playing the role of star immediately. I see why jennifer didn't help him and probably never intended to. She orchestrated that showdown at the People's Choice awards specifically to get rid of him. to embarrass and humiliate him so he would go away.That seems to be hr m.o. for dealing with people a.k.a  her fiancee she had ejected from their home with the bogus claim that he put his hands on her. She just wanted to make room for her new boyfriend. But Jennifer never intended to help Kraven, and Kraven wants somebody else to beat down the path to his successs so he can rub elbows with the industry insiders who did the work to get to where they are. Coz he really did nothing wrong for her to go off on him like that. She just wanted to get rid of him. I see why he hasn't made it yet, he's like that fool from Lights Over Paris, Mawhinney, who could have a thriving career, but didn't want to do the work. You gotta do those one night stands, those free shows, cultivating a relationship with the fans , signing autographs, and all of that stuff. Kraven wants to find people he can use so he can go to the People's Choice Awards, or the grammies, or the AMA's but don't want to get out there in the dirt. He puts out a record a song but doesn't get out there to promote it. Now he has nothing new out but he still wants to play industry big whig rather than working to become one. I'm glad he didn't respond to me, for I'll not have the likes of him wasting my time and resources. Let him continue to play big star, and next time I suggest he pick his mark a little better, coz' I could look at jennifer and see she wasn't oing to help him.

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